Duck… Duck… Truths.
Happy Friday, friends!
I promised myself I would not put my opinion out in the open, but I was informed I was not a Christian since my view was different from the person who told me this.
Miss Texas 2001, Stacy James Mayo shared this bit on her page today and I agree:
"People who have beliefs and state them on whatever side you are on, have to be tolerant of the other side's rights and believes, because if you don't then you are defeating the whole purpose of what free speech actually is. You actually just then become sort of a hypocrite really. I read that GQ article and surprised Phil even agreed to do it. The writer cusses all through it and takes the Lord's name in vain..and I personally am offended to that. But here were are again with the free speech thing...guess he has a right to do that. I'm not going to buy the magazine, and that's my right. In the end, I am a huge fan of DD and love that they represent the LOVE of Jesus Christ, that family comes first and that they do stick together...which is what they are doing now. I hate that once again it's a "Christian" versus the 'Gay community"....To categorize both of those in that one description is silly. Not all Christians are the same and not all "gay" people are the same. It's stereotypes that always hurt us."
I was born and raised in a home where verses were memorized, crosses were hung, we said our prayers, we learned to love everyone, and if my momma heard "JC!" in vain, I was in big trouble.
It's sad that because my view is different than that of other fellow Christians I'm accused of wanting to rewrite His word to adapt to the modern life or I'm a hell-goer because of my beliefs.
I believe the Word is truth and His teaching will always be.
I choose to honor my God in what I've been taught, and while doing it with a loving, accepting heart for my brothers and sisters who sin in all different forms, but who are we to block this sin and not the rest of them?
Why do we not shun the NFL? Why do we not shun Hollywood? Adultery? Backstabbing? Anger? Pre-marital sex? Immodest women? Jealousy? Cursing? Arguing? Gambling? Drinking to excess? Using drugs? Tattoos? Cutting your hair?
What's unfortunate is the people of today ignore all the other sins that believers and nonbelievers do daily as the norm, but homosexuality gets brought up and those who stand for equality get called unChristian-like and tolerable. It's not tolerance, it's acceptance which is also Bible written.
Being tolerant that someone else has a different stance than you is crucial. You don't have to agree with that person, but you have to accept that minds are unique and not all will stand on the same side on every issue. You can stand firm in your faith and beliefs, but you have to understand that someone out there does think differently.
And, who is Phil Robertson anyway to cause all this ruckus and riot? Are people sincerely surprised that an older, southern man doesn't believe in marriage equality? What earth were you put on? If he were have to responded with "Anyone who smokes a doobie is going straight to Hell!" people would have responded with this much outrage? No. No they would not have. But, then again, that probably wasn't the best analogy because those people are sitting on a cloud eating the munch box from Jack in the Box.
Back to topic: You cannot judge someone for their poison of choice (whether it even be a choice or not!). It's not your job. You were not placed on this earth to do that. God will do that for all of us, and on that day He will do His job of that with stern perfection.
I respect all those who stand up for God and His Word. I respect all those who accept everyone in their hearts.
But, I refuse to be told I am not a Christian for believing two people in love regardless of gender should be allowed to marry. It all goes back to sin of choice whether it have been a choice or not. It's not tolerance. It's accepting thy neighbor and loving them the same.
Closed minds need to come with closed mouths. Open minds should learn to shut them around closed minds. Accept the differing interpretations and beliefs, and stay firm in what you were taught and have faith in.
There is a difference in preaching and forcing.
Preach the truth, but do not force someone to believe in your stance. There will always be someone who disagrees regardless of truths. Be an advocate not a judge.
I'm using my first amendment, but we all need to learn to use it wisely.
Happy Holidays,
Logan McCormick
Miss North Texas 2014
Well said. The First Amendment protects your right of free speech by allowing you to say foolish things without being thrown in jail for it. It does not, however, protect you from societal repercussions and the ability of an employer to terminate you for the foolish statements you chose to make using your right to free speech.